Tag Archives: god

A God that loves to destroy his creation

Part three of the Revelation series: Below are links to part one and two.


Part 1: Why is Revelation in the bible?


Part 2: Failed Prophecies of Revelation.




Consider for a moment the Christian god and its love of destruction.  It just so happens to be one of the primary proofs Christians posit that a god does exist.  They say, “the proof of God exists in nature”.  They want to claim the beauty of nature for their god.  The lotus, Red woods, the vast oceans, man and animals alike.  Yet, they don’t want to claim tornado’s, hurricanes, or earthquakes, unless they fit into some sort of prophecy.  I can’t tell you how many times satan takes the blame for such disasters.  Despite that their god gets credited for the infant and its mother who manage to survive amid rubble for days.  Despite that hundreds of people may have died in the disaster, but the sparing of one life gives rise to celebration in their merciful gods honor?  So I say to those that would give credit to a god of nature, to not yield in any natural occurrence.  If you celebrate the survivors of a disaster in your gods honor then you should also celebrate those who have perished.


I always like to point to the fact that a war took place in heaven between god and a third of the angels resulting in the creation of the archenemy of the bible, satan.  This is obviously a huge oversight by a creator that is supposed to be all knowing.  But, what if that was part of his master plan?  Was it actually necessary to create devious angels to begin with?  I would think not since this guy is alleged to be all powerful too.


English: The story of the Eden Garden. The tem...

English: The story of the Eden Garden. The temptation of Adam & Eve by the devil. Pedestal of the statue of Madonna with Child, western portal (of the Virgin), of Notre-Dame de Paris, France Français : L’histoire du Jardin d’Eden. Au premier plan la tentation d’Adam & Eve par le Diable. Base de la statue de la Vierge à l’Enfant, trumeau du portail de la Vierge, Façade ouest de Notre-Dame de Paris. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Then we look at the Garden of Eden where Eve is tempted into taking forbidden fruit, by a snake.  The question is how did the snake get there in the first place if not created by god, and why create a forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden to begin with?  The most overused explanation is the most contradictory of them all, “It was gods plan”.  So we are left to believe that this all powerful all knowing all everything god could not come up with a better plan?  I suppose this is the case if you wish to believe in such drivel.


After Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden some years pass and we find ourselves at the next great destruction story, Noah and his ark.  The flooding of the Earth happens to be a Sunday school classic, where children are taught all about the animals finding a temporary home on the ark just in time for the Christian gods first destruction of the world.  This flood supposedly encompasses the entire globe, which lacks evidence ever occurring but never mind that.  Since this god created such villainous creatures he was left with no choice but to kill them all save a few, and start all over again.  Then we are lead to believe that this god creates the rainbow as a promise that he will never destroy the earth by water again.  Don’t you just love poetic justice?


Then we have Sodom and Gomorrah which cannot be verified either, despite the many locations Christians like to claim fit the description. We have Pillars of salt, fire and brimstone, famine and plague oh my.  But, this god loves his creation SO F-ing much!


Oh and what about the story of Job, where the Christian god plays cat-and-mouse with one of his most devoted followers by challenging satan to a game of “who can fuck this guy over the most”, in which case god wins outright since he created satan, which is an extension of himself considering the story would be pointless without a villain.  How extraordinary is it that Job never falters amid losing everything but his life after his god and satan end their game?  Of course the latter was rhetorical, but for insurance: it’s not extraordinary at all.


For god so loves to destroy he gave us an entire book about his hobby.  The book of Revelation is nothing but a destruction story.  It is the only book in the canon which has absolutely no relevance to the overall claim of gods existence, or the story of Jesus.  Yet, I suppose it is fitting considering this god really does love to destroy things.  In fact, it reminds me of being a little boy and playing with my little green army men in my back yard.  I would dig holes, build mud houses and flood their world with a garden hose.  I would build stick forts and throw rocks at them to knock them down, all the while making explosive sounds and machine gun fire with my mouth for effect.  Isn’t it ironic that a child would anthropomorphize a world where he was a god in essence, and merrily destroy the unsuspecting creatures of his imaginary realm?  Does this point to a god, or does it point to childish minds creating a story 2000+ years ago?


Perhaps this idea of god comes from the fact that we are very likely to die from some sort of natural cause which makes us feel small.  So, to offset this insignificant feeling we impose a story which grants some sort of silver platter for us to rest our weary lives upon.


As humanity we are prone to publicly shame horrible acts such as, Newtown, or the Colorado Theater shooting where senseless deaths occurred at the hands of troubled individuals.  Yet we fail to make the same assertion when we know from biblical accounts that the Christian god claims credit for a flooding which wiped out all but a few of the people on earth.  That means this god killed men, women, AND children of all ages.  That means the Christian god similar to terrorist groups likes to boast his killings of the innocent.  It happens to be a trophy on the wall of this religion, which makes it horrid in my opinion.


So as you can see this god doesn’t just destroy according to the stupid book, but this god LOVES to destroy.  It is a game, which brings me to the obvious conclusion that this god doesn’t exist.


I hate to compare a fictitious story with a real one, but how many Americans today look back upon our treatment of the Natives, or enslaving of the Africans and celebrate it like it was some sort of American trophy?  We learn about it because we must know where we come from, but by no means is the history of America taught in such a way to celebrate these wretched acts.  So why don’t we do what the Christian churches do, and make the story of enslaving the Africans as a great and glorious?  For one it would be misleading, and for two it is NOT something to be proud of.


Finally we must not forget that this supposed god is a lover of destruction, and we must not forget that wars have and will be fought according to the bible in heaven, and we must not forget that this god promises to grant eternal life in heaven to its followers.  If this story were true you should be curious about what might happen after the conclusion of the book of Revelation.  I would say based upon the frequent damnation, that this heaven won’t be any different from the hell for the punished.  What a great story!


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Why IS Revelation in the Bible?

The book of Revelation is a visionary tale of how the Christian world will end leading up to the second coming of their savior.  The scenes paint an image of a wrathful God poring vengeance upon the world to punish the nonbelievers.  Throughout history the message of Revelation attracted scrutiny, and in most cases within Christian religious organizations.  Perhaps there is a reason that Revelation was the last book officially canonized, and perhaps there is a reason why it is in such heavy use today.  These are a few of the topics I wish to discuss in part one of my Revelation series.

One of the first notable Christian figures to sideline Revelation was Eusebius who was an early Christian historian. He wrote “church history”, c 325CE.  As a result of his studies he placed the book of Revelation on the Antilegomena list, or disputed works.  Roughly one hundred years after the cannon had been assembled Revelation was finally accepted and canonized at the council of Carthage c. 397CE.

Eusebius of Caesarea may have continued the Li...

Over the centuries disputes over this book have been nearly constant.

There are several ways Christian sects deal with this particular text.  The following four interpretation styles are simply container folders for many other interpretations.

Historicist, this explanation focuses on the historical value within the text, and shies away from the prophetic use of the book.

  Preterist, similar to the Historicist view the Preterist angle tags Revelation as pertaining only to the 1st or 2nd century CE.

    Futurist, this understanding of Revelation embraces the book as a marker for things to come.  People or churches which fall under this category can also  be called millenialists.

    Idealist, finally Idealists see the book as entirely allegorical.

There are of course many other interpretations of Revelation, and some are a mix between these four main categories.  Still, the futurist Revelation concept has caused a rather fanatical conglomerate of Christians in America.  I actually have friends and family members who subscribe to this interpretation.  Sadly, the lifestyle many of them have chosen as a result of this one book is social suicide at best.  The following video is from a small ministry, but it illustrates the illogical view Revelation has caused in modern society.

For the past two thousand years Christians and the like have assumed (ass-u-me) the end was near.  The crusades were supposed to be Armageddon.  Mass suicides in the 1800′s and early in the 20th century were attempts to get Gods attention.

So why the book of revelation?  Out of all the books in the bible, Revelation seems to have, not only the most deliberate placement, but also the most doctored message.  “BE AFRAID AND JOIN US!” which I am absolutely positive was not the message Jesus brought with him, and it is solid proof that the bible has HUMAN ambitions, and not super natural.

Cliché clippings from Revelation are the “mark of the beast”, and “antichrist”, in both cases a futurist Christian will go ape-shit when talk of ID chips, or artificial anything inserted into a person’s body comes up.  In the same regard any politician or leader of a nation they find imposing on their beliefs become the target of name calling.  For instance Bush and Obama were labeled as Antichrists.  This is surprising since Republicans are more often in line with the Christian perspective.

To conclude I would like to address any Christians who may have stumbled upon this post.  Please heed the following, or don’t… (notice how I didn’t say Please heed the following, or spend the rest of your life in an inferno.) Just saying…

Please, End-times-Christians?  Think about what you are doing when announcing to the world, full of flocks (people that don’t think for themselves.), that this person-or-that-person is the antichrist, and to be afraid of this menacing persons capabilities.  As a Christian, you shouldn’t care anyway, so it should be of no consequence to you anyway.  Stop being part of the problem and quite your tongue in the matters that even you need not worry about.

Please, please, Christians! Tear the book of Revelation out of your bibles, because it has absolutely nothing to do with your religion.  Please stop spreading fear into this world, and start doing what Christians ought to do. LOVE THY ENEMY/NEIGHBOR / FAMILY, and so on, or stone them to death depending on what verse you feel fits you today.

~~~Thanks for reading part one.  next week I will take on part two: Failed Prophesies of Revelation.~~~







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